Ways To Be Kind To Yourself This World Kindness Day
World Kindness Day was first introduced in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. This organisation was formed at a Tokyo conference in 1997 when Japan brought kindness organisations of multiple nations together and emphasised the necessity of a global kindness movement.
The purpose of this day is to help everyone understand that kindness is what binds us all together. This understanding has the power to bridge the gap between nations. With kindness, we can overcome the divides of politics, race, religion, gender, and so much more.
This world kindness day we want to encourage you to be kinder to yourself… I’m sure many of us are guilty of being much more unkind to ourselves than we are to the people around us.
Self-kindness, self-love, self-care, self-compassion, are a really important part of our well-being, it helps us to be more balanced, connected, happier human beings.
Ways To Be Kind To Yourself
It’s time to acknowledge and accept that you are human and this means you won’t always get things ‘right’ but every choice you make has a possibility for growth and learning. It’s time not to release the resetements you have towards yourself, and forgive.
It’s a cliche quote but it’s true… you can’t pour from an empty cup. Spend at least five minutes doing something that re-fills your cup. Only you know what that it, but be unapologetic in taking that time for yourself.
Reason, Season or a lifetime. Not everyone we meet is destined to be in our life forever and that is okay. Life is too precious to hang on to people that drain your energy. Do them and yourself a kindness and let them go.
There is a whole body of research now that tells us getting out in nature has so many benefits for our physical and mental health. I highly recommend taking your shoes off and connecting to the real earth to ground yourself.
I myself am guilty of using ‘fun’ food as a treat to myself when I feel like I need a pick me up, but what would be really kind to our bodies especially if we are feeling depleted would be to choose nutrient dense foods that nourish us and hydrating foods.
Don’t give your focus away to the past or the future. All you can control is the present moment. Research has found that people who live in the moment and appreciate the now live happier, more fulfilled lives.
Many of us may be guilty of allowing ourselves to get lost in the daily grind of work, family and responsibilities. But life is here to be lived, so treat yourself and do something that sets your soul on fire, something that brings you joy and makes you feel alive!
There is no such thing as perfection, it simply doesn’t exist. Striving to be perfect is self-destructive so be kind to yourself and remind yourself it is ok to be perfectly imperfect. You are enough exactly as you are.
We hope you found some helpful inspiration in this blog and we have encouraged you to do at least one thing today that is kind to yourself, let us know what you try and how it makes you feel.