Spiritual Rituals for Samhain

Halloween is just a few days away and I am sure many of us have carved pumpkins and put on fun/scary costumes. We may have even done some trick or treating, it’s definitely one of my favourite times of year, but how many of us know the true origins of Halloween? 

Halloween is said to have originated among the ancient Celtic people who referred to it as Samhain. Samhain represented the end of the agricultural cycle, the beginning of the winter months, and the day on which souls that had died the previous year traveled to the other side. The new year was then celebrated on November 1st which the Church of England later named “All Saints Day” (to honour religious saints and martyrs). The Church also renamed Samhain to “All Hallows Eve,” which eventually came to be called “Halloween.

Samhain is celebrated at the middle point between the Autumn equinox and Winter solstice and is when the dark half of the year commences. Darkness is rich with potential and with the beginning of this dark phase comes the opportunity to rest and reflect on the past and to dream of new beginnings. Samhain is also a time to burrow deep into the caverns of your unconscious mind and your shadow self. It is a time to let old attachments, stories and beliefs die, paving way for the new. 

This time of year holds so much magic and if you want to access some of it we have created a list of spiritual rituals you might want to try for yourself this Samhain. 

8 Spiritual Samhain Rituals:

  1. Power Crystal Meditation 

There is no right or wrong way to meditate but we have put together a few simple pointers if it is new to you and you would like to give it a try.  

Find a calm space. Find somewhere quiet that you won’t be disturbed and get in a comfortable position, either seated or lying down. 

Set your intention. What is it that you want to focus on while meditating? What are you hoping to feel? Select a crystal or crystals that you’re feeling drawn to (certain crystals and stones such as black onyx, smokey quartz, amethyst, obsidian, bloodstone, Howlite and Labradorite opal are linked with Samhain.)

Place the crystal in your right hand or if it feels more organic, you can place one in each hand or somewhere on your body.

Breathe slowly and deeply. Allow thoughts, feelings, sensations to come up, acknowledge them and then allow them to pass. 

Take your time: Take your time getting out of the meditation and take some time to process anything that might have come up during the meditation. You might want to take time to journal about anything that came up.


  1. Herb Smudging

Sage, mugwort, bay leaf, and lavender are all herbs that are linked with Samhain but you can use any you feel connected with. Begin the smudging at your front door and walk around the house clockwise, holding the intention to clear old energy from your home and life. If you would prefer not to smudge, you may like to burn a candle or use a clearing spray instead and walk around your house with the same intention.

  1. Black Candle, White Candle Ritual

This simple ritual requires two candles; one black and one white. The black candle represents your life, decisions and experiences for the past year. Start by lighting your black candle and reflect on all that has been. Think about how your experiences have helped you to become the person you are today, what lessons you have learned and the ways you have grown. When you are done, blow out the black candle with gratitude, bidding farewell to what was. Next, light your white candle. This candle represents the present moment and year to come. Set positive intentions and think about ways you can experience more joy.  When you’re ready, blow out the white candle with hope. 

  1. Shadow Work Ritual- Visualise and Connect with your Shadow

Now is the time for some serious inner work! Don’t be afraid to look into those dark parts of you and figure out what the darkness wants to show you. There is no judgment; be kind to yourself, remember magic is born in darkness, and now is the time to explore yourself.

Find a comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed, you may wish to light a candle or burn some Sage or Palo Santo in a fire safe container. 

Breathe deeply, close your eyes and begin the journey into your sub-conscious, you may want to imagine a doorway or some steps going downwards whatever feels right for you. 

Ask your shadow self to join you. Once you've encountered your shadow self, imagine yourself surrounded in white light and send that light to your shadow. You may even want to embrace your shadow, and visualise a stream of unconditional love flowing through you toward them. Take note of how you feel: This is you embracing the dark, neglected, fearful, and unaccepted parts of yourself.

When you feel the visualisation is complete head back to your doorway or stairs that will now be glowing with white light and return to the present moment. Take a moment to re -settle and journal anything that comes up. 

  1. Nature Walk

Getting out in nature is a great way to get grounded and re-balanced. While on your walk, get present and observe and contemplate the colors, aromas, sounds, and sensations of the season. Experience yourself as part of the Circle of Life. you may wish to collect some items you find on your walk and bring them into your home. 

  1. Hit pause and Journal

Samhain is a great time of year to press pause, slow down and use your journal for some self-reflection. If you need some assistance getting the writing flowing try these journal prompts:

How can I nourish myself, mind, body and soul?

In what ways can I slow down as we move into this darker, slower season?

What parts of myself do I need to shine light and love on?

What lessons have I learnt in this past year that I can take with me into the next season of my life? 

  1. Use Oracles and Affirmations

Samhain is one of the most enigmatic and magical nights of the year and our ancestors have known this for centuries, taking advantage of the night's potent energy to gain clear insight into the past, the present and the future. If you have a Oracle deck or set of Affirmation Cards, this is the time to use them. 

  1. Call your power back

So many of us give our power away on a regular basis without even realising it, and Samhain is a wonderful time for you to call that power back. As with all spiritual rituals, set yourself a comfortable, sacred space. You may want to light a candle or have some Sage or Palo Santo burning in a fire safe container. You can use the words we have written or create your own words that feel in alignment with you and your needs at this time. Close your eyes, breathe and as you speak the words visualise your power returning and your body filling with white light. 

I am powerful, I am magical, 

I call back my power now, 

I am loved, I am enough,

I call back all parts of myself I have lost or given away, 

It is safe for me to be powerful, it is safe for me to be whole,

And so it is. 

We hope you have enjoyed reading this blog and you have found something in here that you might like to try. Spiritual rituals are deeply personal and what we have written are just ideas, feel free to add your own twist or interpretation onto them and only take what works for you. Please let us know if you give something a go how you found the experience, we would love to hear from you. 

Love & Light 

Rebecca & Vicky x