Meditation for Beginners

Meditation has been such a blessing in my life and one of the questions I get most frequently is how to get started so I thought I would put together a little post giving you a few simple steps on how to begin meditating and a few tips that address some of the concerns beginners may have.



  1. Find Your Zen Den. You can meditate anywhere but it will be easier if you are in a space where you feel relaxed and comfortable and somewhere you won't be interrupted for a few minutes. I like to go into my office because it is my little space and when the door is closed my husband knows not to come in. I light my candles and surround myself with all my favourite crystals.

  2. Get Comfy. You don't have to be sat in the lotus position to meditate. Find what works for you. I like to sit crossed legged on a meditation cushion, but you could sit up with you legs out straight or you could also lay down if that works for you.

  3. Focus On Your Breath. Close your eyes and relax your breath. Breathing in slowly and deeply into your belly, through your nose and then breathing out long and slow through either your nose or mouth, whichever works better for you. Don't force your breathing, just allow it to come naturally.

  4. Get Present. As your deep breathing begins to make you feel calmer and more relaxed. Continue to focus on your breath and keep your attention in the present moment. If you find your mind drifting off into thoughts of the past or things you need to be doing later, just observe it and then gently bring your attention back to your breath.

  5. Be In Gratitude. Before you end your session, take a moment to be grateful for all the good in your life. Everything you have to be thankful for, and also take a moment to be grateful to yourself for this beautiful time you have just given to yourself. Take a deep breath and slowly up your eyes and stretch yourself out.


Extra Tips 

Guided Meditations

Using guided mediation works well for all experience levels but can be a great tool for beginners in particular. Try searching YouTube for guided mediations and see which ones you like. I also run group mediation sessions that centre mainly around guided meditation, please email me for more information about this.


Dress Comfortably

Being comfortable when you're meditating will make it so much easier, so opt for loose fitting items that make you feel comfy.


Stay Warm

It is easier to relax when you are warm enough, if you are cool your body will naturally tense up. Try meditating in a warm room or cover yourself with a blanket.



Meditating when you are hungry can be distracting and even uncomfortable, like-wise if you are too full. Make sure there is something in your tummy, but not so much that you feel distracted.


Background Music

This is down to personal preference, some people find it easier to meditate with light music or relaxing sounds in the background, while others prefer total silence. Feel free to experiment and see what works best for you.


Use a Timer

One of the main things that prevents people meditating is lack of time. Try setting aside just 5 minutes every day and set a timer, that way you won't spend the whole time wondering how long you have left and it doesn't take up a lot of your day. Once you've got used to 5 minutes, you could try and increase it to 10 if you like and then maybe even 20, but you are in control.


Clearing the Mind

People tend to think they are meditating wrong, or they can't do it if they give it a go and lots of thoughts are popping into their head. This is simply not true, meditation is not just about clearing the mind, although this can sometimes happen. We are only human and having thoughts arise is normal. Sometimes meditation is a great space for our thoughts because it helps us find creative and peaceful solutions for our challenges, but if you want to try and clear your mind and thoughts persist, just embrace them, acknowledge them and then let them go, focussing on your breath really helps with this and like anything the more you practice, the easier it gets.


Day or Night

There is no best time to meditate, you know yourself the best so figure out what time of day suits you better and experiment with different times. Some people say they meditate first thing in a morning as it gets them set up for a great day, while others prefer to meditate before bed to prepare them for a restful night's sleep. Have a go and see what you find most beneficial. There's also nothing stopping you meditating more than once a day if you wish.


There is no Right or Wrong

Meditation is a personal journey and everyone finds their own route. What's important is that you take the time out for yourself and explore what works for you. The benefits can be so life changing that it really is worth persisting with.